University Acceptances

Xspace prepares students to be a lifelong learner. Our graduates are well equipped with social responsibility, digital literacy, reflexive thinking and cultural awareness after completing their studies in a blended learning environment. Each graduating cohort at Xspace is comprised of young, talented individuals who are able to thrive and excel to their highest ability in both Western and Eastern communities. Our graduates exemplify an intercultural mindset and share the guardianship of our world. We are proud to celebrate our graduates’ academic achievements and passion for learning.

Alumni Universities

We are proud that 100% of our graduates gain entrance into universities, with 95% of students being accepted into the top ten universities in Canada.  Our alumni attend leading universities including University of Toronto, University of British Columbia and McGill University, where they have forged a successful path for themselves to become global citizens.

Class of 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We wish our graduates all the best as they embark on their next adventure!

Click Here to View Previous Years
Xspace Class of 2019