The success of Xspace is dependent on an excellent team. From searching out the highest quality courses to our personalized facilitation style to offering flexible study options, everything we do is about delivering the best educational experience possible for our students.
Mr. Dean Coder has devoted much of his career to developing, teaching, and leading “distant learning” and online education. He has done innovative work with rural schools in BC to refine models of distance education delivery, and has spent held numerous leadership positions including Principal of Kamloops Open Online Learning School, Vice President of GlobalEd, and Director of International in SD73. Dean has also been involved in projects including leading the Provincial Education Portal called LearnNow BC, as well as the International Online Learning initiative. Dean is an invaluable part of the Xspace team, as he advises on Xspace’s programs based on his wealth of experience in the online education industry. Dean is currently the Director of Instruction in SD27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin).
Mr. Brian Naka is currently the Principal of EBUS Academy in SD91 (Nechako Lakes). EBUS Academy is the oldest and one of the largest distributed learning schools in British Columbia, with over 1000 grade K-12 and adult learners from around the province.
Mr. Brian Naka is currently the Principal of EBUS Academy in SD91 (Nechako Lakes). EBUS Academy is the oldest and one of the largest distributed learning schools in British Columbia, with over 1000 grade K-12 and adult learners from around the province.
Ms. Hedy Li has worked with high school ELL students for over 10 years both in BC offshore schools in China, and in public and private schools in Canada. She has an M.Ed. in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of British Columbia and is a certified teacher in BC and Ontario. Hedy is passionate about second language acquisition and is constantly searching for ways to implement the most current pedagogical learning strategies into Xspace’s instructional model. Hedy currently focuses on the overall design of the Xspace instructional model and the implementation of Xspace programs in Vancouver and overseas.
Mr. Stephen Baker is the founder and principal of Virtual High School in Bayfield, Ontario. VHS is the oldest online school in Ontario, and has gained numerous awards over the year for their courses. It offers Ontario Secondary School Diploma credits to thousands of students around the world each year.
Mr. Stephen Baker is the founder and principal of Virtual High School in Bayfield, Ontario. VHS is the oldest online school in Ontario, and has gained numerous awards over the year for their courses. It offers Ontario Secondary School Diploma credits to thousands of students around the world each year.
Mr. Alex Liang has over 12 years of work experience in the international education field in Canada at both the secondary and post-secondary levels. He has held various positions from international student counsellor, international education marketing manager to international program Vancouver campus founder of School Districts 73 and 91 in BC. Alex deeply believes that all ELL students deserve to take center stage in their international education, and know that real ELL student-centered learning can only be made possible through the use of technology.
The course teachers and class facilitators in Xspace’s programs have ample experience in K-12 teaching and course development. They are passionate about education and working with ELL students. Meet some members of our instructional team below!
B.A., M.Ed.
Teaching Specialization: English, History
Teaching Specialization: English, History, Economics, Business
Teaching Specialization: Math, Physics, Chemistry
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Teaching Specialization: Math, Physics, Chemistry
Teaching Specialization: English, History
B.A., M.A.
Teaching Specialization: English
B.Sc., M.M.St.
Teaching Specialization: Math, Physics
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Teaching Specialization: Math, Physics, Chemistry
B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Teaching Specialization: English, History, Economics
Teaching Specialization: English
Teaching Specialization: English
B.Sc., M.Ed.
Teaching Specialization: Math, Physics, Chemistry